Peel's Honey

Trade Buyer Registration

    Primary Account Holder Details:

    Business Details:

    Business Address:

    Delivery Address is the same as Company Address

    Delivery Address


    Trade Buyer Terms

    In order for you to be registered as a trade buyer with Peels and to qualify for discounted pricing, we require the following information:

    1. Certificate of Incorporation

    Accepted formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG

    Max file size: 6Mb

    2. Proof of Address of Trade Buyer

    Accepted formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG

    Max file size: 6Mb

    3. Copy of ID of Authorized Person

    Accepted formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG

    Max file size: 6Mb

    Surety Details:

    In order for you to qualify for an account with us, we require a personal surety for the due performance of any obligation of the Trade Buyer under the Account Terms.

    If the details of the surety are the same as the details of the account holder, please check the box below. If the details of the surety are not the same as the details of the account holder, please complete the details of the surety below.

    Surety details are the same as the account holder details

    Please upload a copy of the Surety Holder's Identity Document *

    Accepted formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG

    Max file size: 6Mb

    Account Details: